Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pre-Admission Testing

I wish I could have videotaped the cast of characters I encountered at MGH today. I had an EKG where I couldn’t apparently ‘relax’ enough for the nurse to get a good ‘picture’; spoke to a nurse who asked me “Are you nervous for the surgery? Oh, Hearing loss? Yeah – that sounds pretty bad. I don’t know if I could do that;” discussed the risks of the anesthesia with someone who seemed like she could have been in one of my classes; and had lots of blood taken by an angel of  a Grandmother from the Caribbean who responded to my tears with hugs.

After my appointment we visited with Dave’s Grandmother in the cardiac unit of MGH. This is the third time we have seen her in a hospital setting in the last three weeks. She looks much better and they are hoping to move her to a rehab facility on Friday.

I am exhausted. I am still trying to write end of term comments and I am dreading any visitors for extra help tonight. Tomorrow will be my last day of classes….All I want to do is watch season two of Downton Abbey! 

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