Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Day After

Mandy had a good first night after surgery. She is still in the ICU and they expect her to stay until the end of the day today (Wed) before moving to a regular recovery room. She looks great! While she is in some serious pain, the nurses are keeping her well medicated. Just this morning, they moved her from her bed and into a reclining chair. Her spirits are positive, she maintains her good humor, and she is currently resting well.

Mandy will go in for an MRI later today in order for the doctors to take an initial look at how the resection went yesterday. In all likelihood, the MRI might not look very different from before, as the surgery was primarily focused on removing the inside of the tumor. Essentially, they went in and took the pulp out while leaving the rhine. The hope now is for the tumor to collapse on itself and retreat a bit from the cranial nerves in order to make the 2nd surgery less risky in terms of facial and balance nerve preservation.

Despite the long road ahead, we are thankful that Mandy’s journey has officially begun, and moreover, that it has begun positively.

One day at a time.

Happy Leap Year!

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