Monday, February 6, 2012

Latest appointment

We went to Massachusetts Eye and Ear on Friday to meet the woman who will perform the second surgery. She explained most of the same risks of the surgery (possible facial paralysis on my right side, balance issues that could require physical therapy, a shunt could be needed to drain fluid from my brain, and most likely, an uncomfortable recovery), but she also echoed the same need to have the surgery because of the serious health risks of leaving the tumor in my head (stroke, seizers, etc.). She was very compassionate and she did add a bit of new information. Dr. Smullen indicated that in terms of recovery, the first surgery would most likely be more challenging. I was more concerned about the second surgery because the surgeons will be separating the tumor from my nerves, but it turns out changing the way my brain is compressed will be more serious for by body.

 I am not sure if it is due to the stress or the tumor, but I have not been feeling completely normal over the last few weeks. I am having a hard time finding a position to stand, sit, or sleep where I don’t feel light-headed and my heart is not throbbing in my ears. I have also been having headaches more regularly. I cannot take anything at this point because in addition to dulling pain, Tylenol, act as blood thinner (apparently not what you want before major surgery).

I am pretty nervous. I have never stayed in a hospital before.

We head back to Bedford on Tuesday night. Early Wednesday morning I have an appointment at MGH for pre-admission testing. We will return Bedford on Sunday evening and be at MGH by 5:30 am on Monday, February 13. 

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