Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Good News!

Mandy's surgery was a success today. She is now recovering after a grueling 9 hours in the OR. All went according to plan and they were able to shrink the tumor substantially in preparation for a more delicate second surgery on 3/19. I will be able to see her at around 7:00 PM and I will be sure to give her a big hug from everyone. We will learn a lot more over the next several days, but the doctor's expectation as of now is to have her out of the hospital this weekend. All of the risks associated with post-surgery still apply (fluid leakage, brain swelling, blood clotting), but Dr. Martuza is cautiously optimistic that Mandy's recovery will be steady based on how things are looking as of now.

So, we're now one down and one to go. Thanks for your steadfast support and endless optimism.


With Love,


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