Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Mend

Well, it is amazing for me to think that only three weeks ago, we were still in a hospital room with Mandy after her second surgery. Life post-surgery has had its ups and downs, but there has been more to celebrate than to lament over. Mandy is out walking with Ellie a few times each day. She’s started to go to meals in the dining hall, and today, she will attend a science department meeting. In two weeks, she plans to return to work. All of these every-day activities seemed so far away three weeks ago. Her scar is healing incredibly well as you can see from the picture and her hair is growing back rapidly.
The remaining challenges for Mandy are the occasional bad headaches, which seem to come and go every few days, getting her energy level back, and still the numbness and weakness on the right side of her face. Her eye is feeling better with some new drops and gel, and the blurriness in her vision is steadily improving. We remain confident and hopeful that a full recovery is not too far away.

Our sights are set on our one year anniversary vacation to Belize in June: a beach, a sunset, and an umbrella in our drinks.

Seek the Joy,

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