Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Strong Day 3

Day 3 has been a day of significant improvement for Mandy. She has been up and walking around the hospital floor several times and is able to sit up in a chair and have a conversation. She seems more like herself today and her pain and nausea are down and she has been able to eat a little more. The doctors still feel good about her progress and if she is cleared by the physical therapist, she will be able to go home on Saturday.

Mandy will go to Mass Eye and Ear for the weight on her eyelid later today- it should be a very simple procedure.

So, all is well here. Feels like summer time in Boston today.

If anyone is thinking about visiting, we are in the Lunder building, room 736. She is well enough to have visitors today and tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. wonderful news...keep ot up.
    dave-sent an email to mandy with some info
