Thursday, March 1, 2012

More Good News

Mandy is having a great second full day of recovery. She went out and walked the hallway with the physical therapist and has no balance problems. Dr. Martuza visited with us this morning to let us know that he was happy with how her MRI looked yesterday and that he expects she will be able to go home tomorrow. We have two follow-up appointments scheduled for March 8th and March 14th in preparation for the 2nd surgery.

Mandy has been able to eat some soup and ice cream today and her neck pain is much more tolerable than yesterday. Her vision is a little blurry, but nothing worrisome according to the doctors. She also has a bit of numbness on the right side of her mouth, but that has been improving over the course of the today.

She has been 'unplugged' from all of the vitals monitoring, and it's been nice to visit her with less equipment on today.

The consistent message from everyone continues to be that the surgery and recovery have been a tremendous success and that she can now focus on healing well and gaining strength for part 2.

We are still waiting for an open bed on a regular floor so that she can be moved out of the ICU. Maybe it will include a view of the River Chuck...

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