Wednesday, March 21, 2012

day 2

Day number 2 of recovery continues to move along slowly but positively. Mandy has been moved to a regular neuro floor and out of the ICU. It’s nice to have a bright, quiet room with a city view and less machinery and space-ship like technology of the neuro ICU. She is resting comfortably now, though she has some pain in the incision area. She was able to eat a bit or turkey for lunch and has seen the physical therapist who gave her some exercises to help with her eye movement recovery. She is supposed to see someone from Mass Eye and Ear later today about the possibility of putting in a small weight in her eyelid to help her close it all the way in order to protect her eye. As her facial nerve begins to recover over the next weeks and months, she should gain increased ability to control eye closure on her own.

One of Dr. Martuza’s residents came in last night and said that her post-op MRI looked good, and the hope is to have Mandy out of the hospital by the weekend.

Mandy looks good today. She is able to talk a bit and is completely “with it,” though still very tired. She remains in positive spirits. That’s the news from MGH.


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